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400万FIL测试网奖励计划7月20日启动;经济模型参数即将确定 | 6月26日AMA完全整理


6月26日, 北京时间上午10点,Filecoin项目创始人胡安贝尼在Slido上进行了线上问答活动。一小时的时间里,胡安和其他几位Filecoin开发者在线上回答关于测试网激励和主网上线的40个问题。


1. 测试网的激励机制基于原始字节算力、交易完成和扇区生命周期参与度;

2. 为了最大程度的获得订单,将需要大量存储空间,良好的网络连接以及相当好的硬件;

3. 在硬件方面,AMD比intel更适用于目前的算法;

4. 从现在开始,我们要做的就是修复错误,提高性能以及使用新的API和文档改进UX;

5. 400万FIL测试网奖励计划将于7月20日开始;

6. 试图“欺骗”其位置的矿工将完全没有资格获得所有奖励;

7. 即使有一些大型矿池,任何人都可以加入网络并只需购买少量硬件即可提供存储,我们希望客户将其文件存储在许多不同的矿工中;

8. 主网经济模型参数将在7月确定;

9. 如果矿工丢失了数据,数据无法恢复。但如果数据本身是可恢复的,矿工可以通过恢复数据重新获得该扇区;

10. 矿工和客户之间交易的最短时长由矿工提单的时候决定,目前最低限制是1个月。 



1. Can the hard disk of fil discover catch up with the incentive competition on July 20 in time?

(官方Filecoin Discover的硬盘(发货进度)能赶上7月20日的测试网奖励竞赛吗?)

Filecoin Discover and testnet incentives are not related. Testnet incentives are based on raw byte-power, deal completion, and sector lifecycle participation. Filecoin Discover hard drives, and the verified client mechanism in general, have no impact on incentives.

(Filecoin Discover和testnet奖励没有关系。Testnet的激励机制基于原始字节算力、交易完成和扇区生命周期参与度。一般来说,Filecoin Discover硬盘驱动器和验证客户端机制不会对激励产生影响。)

2. What are the main factors for obtaining orders after filecoin go online? Algorithm? Hardware?Is there a difference between Intel and AMD? 


To maximise the deals being made with your miner, you’ll need lots of storage, a good network connection, and reasonably good hardware (AMD works much better, see: https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/blob/master/documentation/en/sealing-procs.md).



3. How likely is the NSE algorithm to come on line later?Is AMD's configuration the most consistent with the current SDR algorithm.


About NSE: NSE is one of the best candidates for a proof upgrade, and teams are working on implementation. But there are other candidates too, which are promising as well. It may be that another algorithm ends up better than NSE -- we don’t know yet. Proof upgrades will arrive after mainnet launch and will coexist.

Yes, AMD may be optimal for SDR, see this for why: https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/blob/master/documentation/en/sealing-procs.md



4. What are the changes to the algorithm and logic layer of lotus and go-filecoin before going online?


No changes to “algorithm and logic” before we go live -- from here on out, all we’re doing is fixing bugs (so please report them!), improving performance (our sync is *much* faster on the latest Testnet), and improving the UX with new APIs and documentation.



5. Will the 4M incentive program start on 20th of July?



6. Has Filecoin confirmed the use of SDR algorithm? Is there any evidence of malicious construction?
